Once again ready for just about anything, we find the Donq in the blessed aura of Marijs Boulogne aka Superpeggy, with whom he practices a repertoire that is completely different from what he is used to. Falling in love with the bass again, Donquièstar aims to usher in New Times, which can be quite pleasant for everyone. After all, nights can also be long and fruitful, sweet and juicy for the creative person…
AstroParticle & Silverdeath Knights, Donquièstar’s new danceables, are dripping with rave rock and are also nearby! They rock and they float! They last and they live!
The newest electronic body mix from Colombian producer ‘Filmmaker’, plays the ‘Cyberdrunk Remix’ by Alavux:
Finally there’s the official release of ‘Half Heroic Zero Point’ on all known digital platforms. This record originally came out only on Bandcamp in 2017.
Please don’t forget to check out this rave rock mix!:
Have an enchanting summer!